Weekly Community News for Odyssey Charter Jr/Sr High School
Volume 41 • Feb 5 , 2024
"The time is always right to do what is right."
— Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
WEEK OF Feb 5 - Feb 9
6 5K Meeting in the cafe at 5:30 pm
7 HBCU Fair at Viera High School at 6:00 pm
8 Third Interim Ends + 5:30 pm GATEway Parent Information Night @ Eldron Cafe
Interested in buying an ad for your Senior in the yearbook?
Families of Seniors who are interested in buying tribute ads for their student, please fill this form out HERE by Friday Feb 16th! The form has the prices and sizes available. This is a hard deadline, so don't wait if you want to save a spot! Send all money and photos to Amanda Encarnacion encarnaciona@odysseycharterschool.com for your ad.
Don't miss out on anything for your Senior year. Please visit our Senior Info page HERE in our Titan Times for important dates, scholarship info, and more. New scholarship info added!
19th Annual 5K, Picnic, & Health Fair
MEETING FEB 6 at 5:30 in Cafe
SAVE THE DATE! On Feb 24th, Odyssey will be celebrating their 25th Anniversary during our 19th Annual 5K. This year there will be a picnic and health fair as well. The event is held here on the Wyoming Campus.
Click HERE to register for the run: https://www.odysseycharterschool.com/5K-Flyer-2024-final.pdf
Volunteers are needed to assist with the Set-up and Clean-up, 5K Registration, and Timing of the participants. Click the links below to register and sign up to volunteer.
REGISTRATION: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0849A5AF29A2F8C34-47198454-annual
SET-UP/CLEAN-UP: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0849A5AF29A2F8C34-47267115-annual
TIMERS: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0849A5AF29A2F8C34-47267323-annual
3rd Annual HBCU Fair at Viera High School Feb 7, 2024, at 6:00 pm
Since the 1800s, Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs) have served a vital role in providing post-secondary educational opportunities for African Americans and have grown into prestigious institutions for students of all backgrounds and ethnicities. Since the inaugural event in 2022, this event has continued to support the BPS community. We are committed to promoting college and career readiness and access and increasing participation in accelerated programs for underrepresented students - with a special district wide observance of Black History Month. With the support of volunteers, local sponsorships, and community support, this event continues to be one of Brevard County’s most anticipated events.
Please click the first link to see the flyer about the event, and to register for the fair, please click the second link.
Here is the link with info about the fair: https://www.brevardschools.org/Page/19678
Here is a link to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_VZgBBm6NOcmjXe3vOhlmWrysi5wtIRC_GdQVQIuhTykGBg/viewform
National School Counselors' Week
Feb 5th kicks off National School Counselors' Week. OCS Jr/Sr is so fortunate to have these super-heroes advocating for our students.
Thank you for all you do!
Order Your Yearbook NOW!
Commercial Art classes are wrapping up the design on the final pages on the Titan Legacy 2024 yearbook. They are sure to sell-out so order yours now to make sure you don't miss out! You can pre-order your copy now for $55 by going to the yearbook page on this site or go directly to the publisher here: https://www.balfour.com/student-info?smi=107864.
Check our school calendar HERE for game schedules!
NEW Titan Merch Store
Click HERE to shop for Titan hoodies, tshirts, tapestries, blankets, bags, and more!
We have new designs uploaded often. Check back with us for other sports and team spirit merch. coming soon.
Track Tryouts (6th-12th grade Boys & Girls)
Friday, February 2 @ 3:00-4:30pm on the track.
All students are required to complete, submit, and receive verification of clearance, prior to being allowed to participate in athletics. This includes participation in conditioning, tryouts, practice, contests, and approved off-season activities. Please visit odysseycharterjrsr.com/athletics for more information on Athletic Clearance including instructions on creating an account and website information.
Questions? Please email our Athletic Director, Ms. Scardino