Weekly Community News for Odyssey Charter Jr/Sr High School

Volume 74 - Dec 20, 2024



6 Students and Teachers Return to School

10 EARLY RELEASE 2:45 pm + Finish Friday 2:45 PM

11 SUCCESS SATURDAY  8:30 -11:30 am

*Our student calendar is available at https://www.odysseycharterjrsr.com/school-calendar

Resiliency Skill of the Month

Each month, Odyssey Charter School will be sharing a Resiliency Skill of the Month, along with parent resources from FLDOE’s resiliency toolkit. December’s skill is Perseverance*. Please visit www.buildresiliency.org for more information.

*Perseverance: persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

Safety Reminder

Safety is our utmost priority at Odyssey.  Parents must go through the loop to drop off students.  It is not safe to have students walking through the lot at dismissal and arrival. 

Attention Dual Enrollment Students


If your child will be attending EFSC this next semester and will need transportation, please reach out Ms. Mitchell at mitchellp@odysseycharterschool.com. Odyssey does offer shuttle transportation for Dual Enrollment.

Uniform Reminder

The choice to require uniforms at Odyssey helps to level the playing field for students.  Many students have not adhered to the policies in recent weeks.  Please recommit to ensuring your students are arriving to school in dress code.  Reminder that jackets must be solid color, blue, black or grey.  Shoes must have a back so Crocs may only be worn in sports mode.  Pants should be khaki, blue or black and must have pockets.

Digital Art Show

CONGRATS to these Titan Commercial Art students for a sweeping win in the entire category of  Photo Manipulation and Compilation at the 18th Annual BPS Digital Art Show this past weekend!

1st Place: Emilee Cocom / 2nd Place: Jenesis Braithwaite / 3rd Place: Stephania Alvarez / Honorable Mention: Angie Rivera

Christmas Carol ELA

Students in Mrs. Widmer's ELA classes, dressed up in Victorian era costumes and played roles from that time period by having a tea party with snacks and conversation based on the "Christmas Carol" story. The students really looked amazing and everyone had a wonderful time.

Band Fundraiser

The band program recently hosted a festive fundraiser where students got creative and community members got a chance to own a unique piece of holiday cheer.

During the event, students transformed plain ceramic ornaments into dazzling works of art. From classic holiday themes to whimsical designs, the variety of creations was truly impressive.

A big thank you to all who participated in this fun and successful fundraiser!

2024-2025 Yearbook

Our online store is open and ready for orders! 


SCHOOL ID: 1164024
Price $55

We are always looking for student spotlights and featured stories to add to our book. Photos of you and your friends at school are also appreciated! Email Mrs. Oakes at oakesj@odysseycharterschool.com or stop by Room 242 (in 1st-3rd periods) to share your pics and ideas. 

Orchestra Concert

Our orchestra and keyboarding students recently captivated the audience with their enchanting Winter Concert. The event showcased the exceptional talent and dedication of the students. Thank you to Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Stout, and all the musicians for making the show possible!

View the full photo gallery HERE.

Band Concert

The Winter Band Concert was a resounding success! The beginning and advanced band students gave beautiful performances that filled the gym with enchanting melodies. As concertgoers arrived, they were greeted by a stunning art exhibit in the gym lobby, showcasing the creative talents of our talented art students. It was a wonderful evening of music and art, and we thank everyone who attended and participated with special kudos to our band director, Marli Kevelin.

View the full photo gallery HERE.


Robotic team members had their 1st meet of the season on Dec 7th  at T Dewitt Taylor Middle School in Pierson, FL. They won 2 out of 6 games which is a very good start of the season! Congrats Titan Robotics!

Physics Lesson

Students in Mrs. Sharma's 7th grade science class made a roller coaster model to learn how a roller coaster operates based on physics principles. It demonstrates how kinetic and potential energy transform and how these changes are influenced by weight and height. 

Congratulations to the 2024-2025 Odyssey Jr/Sr Cheer Squad!!

Lyberti B., Alana B., Johnelle C., Jannelle D., McKenna E.,  Naomi F., ,Corallynn F., Samar H., Kadence J., Omylece J., Brooke K.,  Kristin L., Natallia M., Celia M., Audrey M.,  Jaiden M., Alexa M.,  Isabella M., Theresa M.,  Olivia M., Kali N.,  Ifeoma O., Avery P.,  Majiah R., Shalayah R.,  Jacquelyn R., Tsehai R.,  Sidney S., Gracelyn S.,  Jazmyn S., I’lan S.,  Summer S., Callie T.,  Ariana T., Samaya W.,  Kadasha W.



Grievance Procedures

Step 1: Request Teacher conference to clarify issue

Step 2: Contact the Site Administrator if unresolved with the teacher

Step 3: **Contact Board Designated Parent Representative

Step 4: Contact the President of the Governing Board

Step 5: Present issue at the next monthly Board Meeting if unresolved

Step 6: Seek mediation with the Sponsor


**Mrs. Amber Miller has been designated by the OCS Board of Directors as the Representative to Facilitate Parental Involvement, provide access to information, assist parents and others with questions and concerns, and resolve disputes according to charter requirements. Ms. Miller can be reached at millera@odysseycharterschool.com or 321-442-2742.