Weekly Community News for Odyssey Charter Jr/Sr High School

Volume 63 - Sept 12, 2024

Calendar - Week of Sept 16-20

16 First Interims Published on FOCUS

17 Grades 11/12 BPS College Fair Field Trip 5 pm

18 Parents as Partners Meeting 5:30 Cafe

20 EARLY RELEASE 2:45 pm and Finish Friday 2:45 pm

21 SUCCESS SATURDAY  8:30 -11:30 am

*Our student calendar is available at https://www.odysseycharterjrsr.com/school-calendar

Open House

We had a fantastic turnout on Tuesday evening for our annual Open House. Parents visited classrooms and met their child’s teachers. Building relationships is an integral part of a student's academic success, and we are thrilled that so many parents got to see our dedicated teachers in action.

Commercial Art 4 - Video Editing

Students in Commercial Art 4 Tech class are learning how to do video editing in Adobe PremierePro. This week they are making parallax videos where they take still images and composite them together and animate them at different speeds and directions to make a dramatic video effect that is often seen in movie trailers.
Here is a sample by Nathan Nunez: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vebq0fbDOF4

American History

Students in Mr. Pagel's class discussed the impact of Civil War and Reconstruction on American History and how decisions made impacted future events. Studying the Civil War is crucial for understanding struggles with slavery, racism, and the pursuit of equality.

Exploring Technologies

Students in Ms. Mora's Exploring Technologies are working on improving their typing skills this week. These lessons can significantly improve students' writing speed, accuracy, and overall efficiency, which are essential skills in today's digital age.

Focused Note-Taking with Friends

On Thursday, sixth-grade students in Miss Espada's World History class were displaced due to testing. Mrs. Griswell welcomed them into her 10th-grade AVID class, and they learned the focus note-taking process. Then, they talked with the AVID 10th-graders about the purpose and reason for taking focused notes. AVID students worked one-on-one with individual sixth-graders to give kudos and critiques on their current note-taking practices. Way to go, AVID Titan scholars!

Senior Meetings

All meetings will be held in 222 @ 1:00 PM  on September 27th, November 1st, January 31st, February 28th, March 28th, April 25th . If there is any change to the schedule you will be contacted via school email.
Visit the Senior webpage for important dates and scholarship info HERE.
-Ms. Amanda/Mrs. Mitchell

AP Research Voluntary Survey

Do you want to help the AP Research Class collect anonymous data on how generations (primarily gen-z) understand today's slang? Scan the QR code below and fill out the survey to help the AP Research class find out?( Data collected is anonymous) Ages 12+ ONLY.



Grievance Procedures

Step 1: Request Teacher conference to clarify issue

Step 2: Contact the Site Administrator if unresolved with the teacher

Step 3: **Contact Board Designated Parent Representative

Step 4: Contact the President of the Governing Board

Step 5: Present issue at the next monthly Board Meeting if unresolved

Step 6: Seek mediation with the Sponsor


**Mrs. Amber Miller has been designated by the OCS Board of Directors as the Representative to Facilitate Parental Involvement, provide access to information, assist parents and others with questions and concerns, and resolve disputes according to charter requirements. Ms. Miller can be reached at millera@odysseycharterschool.com or 321-442-2742.